Tag Archives: facebook

My annoyances with Jurassic Park Builder

It all started with this guy.

It all started with this guy. 

Seems like just yesterday when I started playing this game.  It was in the spring of this year that I was given a gift from my brother, one that caused me to “think different”.  Yes, you may already know, it was an iPad 3.  Not my very first tablet that was a Coby 8024, but that was more of a glorified paper-weight than anything else.

I digress

So anyway not long after getting the iPad I found out about the game “Jurassic Park Builder”, and I immediately started to play it.  One of the things that annoyed me about it early on was that it required me to be online in order to  play it.

To be honest, I thought that was absolutely stupid!!!

A lot of time has gone into this game

A lot of time has gone into this game

Yet, I found that I enjoyed the game play so much that I was willing to be forgiving and continue playing the game.  Something else I got annoyed by was that I would be bothered to merge with Facebook.  Again, I thought that was stupid.

The thing is I don’t wanna play with others in this game.  I just want to enjoy it myself and if you want to add a multi-player to that then OK, let people opt into it and not make it something they get hassled about because that just being pressed.

look at this guy

look at this guy

Yes, I know I did say I love the game despite the things I have spoken of before, and to be honest, now I am concerned that I may have yet another reason to be annoyed with Jurassic Park Builder as A new update has been unveiled.   You will be hearing about that soon.




Do you really want people to read your blog?

Ok, I am going to make this quick.  If you want more people to check out your blog posts, post on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+etc.    Also one that you must do is post it on Reddit.com.

Trust me, you will have more readers than you ever expected, in my case I have more than I ever imagined.  In fact today, I have more views for the day now at 2:30 p.m than I ever had for a single day….ever!  In fact if it doubles my previous peak for the day I wouldn’t be surprised at this point.

So by all means, I have said this before, but I will say it again….Don’t just stand there, bust a move!!!


Social Networking isn’t all bad

Hello all,

A while back, I spoke about the need for security online which I enjoyed preparing for.  By request, I decided to write concerning the positive aspects of social networking. One of the most positive aspects is that I can keep track of friends and family, especially when they live far away. Perhaps they have internet access via WiFi and they don’t have access to a phone.  Well, here is a way to communicate with them anyway.It can even be used to keep in contact with folks that live in the same area you do.

Whatever the case, it is a lot of fun to see some of the posts people make and, as long as they are not vulgar or otherwise inappropriate, there is nothing wrong with it. You can come to learn a lot about a person from the things they post about and, for some people, they just feel more comfortable typing a message to someone vs. face-to-face or even calling.  It may sound stupid but it’s just how some people are.

Then, there are games.  I know for me one of the first things I did upon getting a Facebook page was to play a game called FarmVille.  I don’t even have to go into a description of that since it is pretty much all over the place now with subscribers logging in billions of hours. This was my favorite game for a while until it got lame so I started playing FishVille which pretty much was the same concept…LOL!  Alas, I have gotten bored with that game as well…tsk tsk.

On another note, I recently got a Twitter account.  I thought it was stupid at first but when I got started, it turned out to be a lot of fun to the point that I enjoy it more than Facebook sometimes (maybe because of the novelty of it). It is fun to see random thoughts people have in the course of a day.

Ahh, I remember the good old days of Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger.  Things have gotten a lot more complex since then. LOL! I remember when in order to send someone a picture, you had to email it to them. Things have changed a lot.

I am happy that now, as a result of Facebook and other social networks, I am able to share my blog with others. Also, as a result of my posts on Facebook and Twitter in general, I am able to posts things and get multiple responses to it. I find that to be especially convenient nowadays.

It just goes to show that social networking can be a good thing, although one does do well to set limits on who they “friend” or “follow” on them.

Why I Feel That Linux Has Better Security Than Windows

Security is something we are hearing about more and more these days. Especially when it comes to Windows based- systems. But now how many of you have  heard of a virus that has affected Linux. If you can come up with one I would be surprised.  Also how many of you guys have heard of the concept of “Security through obscurity” ? It was something that one of my classmates once brought up and to be honest it carries a measure of merit although as we went back and forth about the superiority when it comes to security of an operating system I had to hold back from falcon-punching him. Lol!

It is true that Linux isn’t used as much on peoples personal PC’s and can be looked at as a less-likely target than Windows is.  Yet it is not as obscure as you may think..for there are millions all over the world that are on the most popular website ever…yeah you guessed it. Facebook.

Some of the other organizations that trust Linux security are the US Department of Defense, the city of Munich Germany, Spain (yes the whole country) ad Google just to name a few although there are really many more

Now ask yourself how many times have we heard about patches being necessary for a windows system to solve serious problems or bugs that have been found in the system, and in fact is kernel or core program has in fact been damaged and even destroyed in some instances.  I will not say that Linux is completely impervious to security threats as that would be a lie, but it has to be admited that the the kernel of Linux has never been cracked any damage from any viruses or whatever are limited as to the damage they can cause.

One problem is that when a person sets up a Windows system they are automatically given administrative priviledges while this may appear  to be an efficient way of doing things at first, it also opens up a can of worms since an infection is able to get to the very “core”of the operating system whereas with Linux, you are set up with more of a low-level account which helps to protect you from doing something catastrophic to your system. If an infection does occur which is already unlikely to start with the damage is limited to local files and programs.

With Linux the very core component is known as the kernel and it is updated quite frequently, not to mention any patches that need to be done to the operating system are not limited to one company per se, but a communitythat is all over the world. The argument may be made that the ones that are responsible for maintaining the code and security updates are simply those who do so in their spare time but does that really matter? On that note PCWorld had this to say in part:

“Linus’ Law”–named for Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux–holds that, “given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.” What that means is that the larger the group of developers and testers working on a set of code, the more likely any flaws will be caught and fixed quickly. This, in other words, is essentially the polar opposite of the “security through obscurity” argument. With Windows,  it’s a limited set of paid developers who are trying to find problems in the code.  They adhere to their own set timetables, and they don’t generally tell anyone about the problems until they’ve already created a solution, leaving the door open to exploits until that happens. Not a very comforting thought for the businesses that depend on that technology”. Check out the rest of that awesome article here

So in conclusion, am I telling you not to use Windows on your PCs or other devices?  Not at all, I am simply bringing to your attention some things that you might want to take into consideration.


The Need for Security Online

There has been much talk of security lately whether it be Washington Post getting hacked or even peoples Gmail accounts getting hacked by people that live in different countries than they do.  Why is this issue something that is growing day by day monh by month year by year? It is because the world of today is different from the way it was decades or even a few years ago. It has become even more lucrative and easy for people to obtain our personal information and it has become a major security threat because now the same information that one would have to search various documents for can be found online. And what is more its not that someone has to use nefarious means to get what they want from us, in fact they don’t even have to ask for it because we give it to them.

We give it to them by means of social networking the new wave of communication that has truly taken the world by storm. Take for example Facebook, which as of July 2011 has at least 750 million Active users!!!! Lets put this in prespective that is more than twice the population of the United States! making Facebook by numbers if it were a country it would be #3 in the world being beat only by China and India. Update it is now up to over 800 million users it is only a matter of time before they will hit the one million mark

Also Twitter with a population of over 200 million as of March 2011. Which would put it in 4th place in the world by numbers having about as many people as Indonesia.

Why is this of concern to us well lets find out

Julian Assange known for his founding of Wikileaks stated that Facebook in particular is the “most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented” and goes on in his conversation to Russia Today that he had concerns over giving one company so much control over personal details and content.

Read more: http://webupon.com/social-networks/the-need-for-security-online/#ixzz1kmeUYplA

The Benefits of Social Networking

I describe some of the more positive aspects of social networking whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.

Hello all, last time I spoke about  the need for security online which I enjoyed preparing for and so by request I decided to write concerning the positive aspects of social networking.

One of the obvious being an easy way of keep track of friends and family, especially when they live long distances away. Perhaps they have internet access via wifi and they dont have access to a phone well here is a way to communicate with them anyway. It can even be used to keep in contact with folks that live in the same area as you. Whatever the case it is a lot of fun to see some of the posts people make and so long as they are not vulgar or otherwise innapropiate there is nothing wrong with it.

You can come to learn a lot about a person from the things they post about and for some people they just feel more comfortable typing a message to someone vs face to face or even calling it may sound stupid but its just how some people are.


Read more: http://webupon.com/web-talk/the-benefits-of-social-networking-2/#ixzz1kmZHO0vw