Monthly Archives: November 2013

Just a simple touch on black friday



English: A Nook Touch Deutsch: Ein Foto eines ...

English: A Nook Touch Deutsch: Ein Foto eines Nook Touch (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


So I was in Barnes and Noble today and I saw a sign and no, it didn’t open up my eyes.  Well, maybe for a moment. You see, they were advertising the Nook Simple Touch for $40.00 since it was indeed black friday. It perked my curiosity just enough to look it up online.




Here’s what I found:




It’s an e-reader (duh!!!)with 800×600 e-ink touchscreen that is




six inches (167 ppi for those of you that care). It also has a battery that is supposed to last for two months as long as you are not using wi-fi, but that time is much shorter if you are especially if you do it a lot which makes sense.




Immediately I looked for ways to do more with this device than is advertised and here is what I came up with:




Playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on it. Are you serious? That gives it a couple cool points but not very much.




As you can tell it didn’t take too much time for me to get quite bored with the Simple Touch. So I continued to play Jurassic Park Builder on my iPad 3 and when I was done I went downstairs so I could take a look at this tablet thing.




I go to the display and I was amazed at how absolutely hideous the thing was. That black and white screen, while would help to make for a very long battery life as mentioned above, just doesn’t cut it when you have been spoiled like I have. I thought I would give it a chance but only one.




To be honest, It just looked like a Gamecom in a tablet thingamabob.




Speaking of, that thing was awesome!!




English: A Tiger handheld game system.

English: A Tiger handheld game system. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


But I digress to repeat that I was absolutely not impressed with the Nook SimpleTouch, as far as I am concerned, it was just too simple for me and I don’t mean that in a good way.




My goodness, it made wish my Coby 8024 was still alive and that’s just bad.








The Buzz About Cyber Monday

IT News Today

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a term that was originally coined in 2005 by the website

It has since become one of the largest-growing online shopping holidays for consumers worldwide. Cyber Monday is often referred to as the “New Black Friday”, which falls on the Monday following Thanksgiving.

What is Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday is an online consumer holiday that allows shoppers who are looking for goods from home to purchase items at a steep discount, often beating out traditional “Black Friday” sales. The shopping holiday itself gets it name as it refers to shopping exclusively from online retailers right from the comfort of consumer’s homes.

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The Buzz About Cyber Monday

IT News Today

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a term that was originally coined in 2005 by the website

It has since become one of the largest-growing online shopping holidays for consumers worldwide. Cyber Monday is often referred to as the “New Black Friday”, which falls on the Monday following Thanksgiving.

What is Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday is an online consumer holiday that allows shoppers who are looking for goods from home to purchase items at a steep discount, often beating out traditional “Black Friday” sales. The shopping holiday itself gets it name as it refers to shopping exclusively from online retailers right from the comfort of consumer’s homes.

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I loved this! If you’re feeling a little sluggish, this is the perfect pick me up!

PROTOCOL: When you wake up, Immediately drink your lemon,cayenne, honey water. After that, drink a juice every couple of hours. Supplement your #MINIDETOX with lots of fresh fruit and veggies throughout the day and finish off with a healthy din din!

Cayenne-Honey-Lemon Water: Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a 16oz bottle. Add 1/8 to 1/4 tsp cayenne and 1tsp honey. Pour water over top.

Green Juice: 1 bunch parsley, 1 bunch cilantro, 2 large cucumbers

Carrot Apple Juice: 3 lbs of carrots, 2 apples

Grapefruit Juice: 3 grapefruits

These recipes are all made to fill 16oz jars/bottles. Using a juicer, process the ingredients for each juice. Pour into separate bottles and enjoy throughout the day!

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A perfect way to start the day! This recipe makes two 16 oz smoothies-2 cups of spinach, 2 cups of OJ, 1 1/2 cups of frozen pineapple, 1/2 block of soft tofu, 2 tbsp coconut butter and stevia or any other sweetener to taste. Using a blender, process all ingredients. Pour into your glasses and enjoy!

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CyanogenMod Installer app voluntarily pulled from Google Play Store

Ill have to check out the direct download then.


Hoping to easily install the CyanogenMod (CM) app to change the software on your Android device? It’s no longer as easy as it used to be: The app was voluntarily removed by the CM team at Google'(s goog)s suggestion as Google said it would eventually have to pull it from the store. The reason? It “encourages users to void their warranty,” which typically happens when a user gains root access to an Android phone or tablet. CM can still be installed through sideloading and is available as a direct download.

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Want Android and Firefox OS in one phone? Geeksphone has something lined up for you


Spain’s Geeksphone is a scrappy little manufacturer that started off making Android(s goog) handsets for open-source cognoscenti before becoming the first creator of Firefox OS developer devices. On Thursday it announced it will be bringing both of those worlds together with a smartphone called the Revolution that will run either operating system — or both, if you’re an “advanced user”.

This is the latest stage in what we may term a rapid evolution of Geeksphone’s roadmap. The company’s Peak Firefox OS handset went on sale in April and barely 3 months later Geeksphone took it off its virtual shelves, encouraging people to buy the souped-up Peak+ instead. Now those who already pre-ordered the Peak+ are being offered the Revolution at the same €149 ($203) price, which will be just over half the price others will pay.

As well they might be — on Thursday Geeksphone also had to inform

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Want Android and Firefox OS in one phone? Geeksphone has something lined up for you


Spain’s Geeksphone is a scrappy little manufacturer that started off making Android(s goog) handsets for open-source cognoscenti before becoming the first creator of Firefox OS developer devices. On Thursday it announced it will be bringing both of those worlds together with a smartphone called the Revolution that will run either operating system — or both, if you’re an “advanced user”.

This is the latest stage in what we may term a rapid evolution of Geeksphone’s roadmap. The company’s Peak Firefox OS handset went on sale in April and barely 3 months later Geeksphone took it off its virtual shelves, encouraging people to buy the souped-up Peak+ instead. Now those who already pre-ordered the Peak+ are being offered the Revolution at the same €149 ($203) price, which will be just over half the price others will pay.

As well they might be — on Thursday Geeksphone also had to inform

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Want Android and Firefox OS in one phone? Geeksphone has something lined up for you


Spain’s Geeksphone is a scrappy little manufacturer that started off making Android(s goog) handsets for open-source cognoscenti before becoming the first creator of Firefox OS developer devices. On Thursday it announced it will be bringing both of those worlds together with a smartphone called the Revolution that will run either operating system — or both, if you’re an “advanced user”.

This is the latest stage in what we may term a rapid evolution of Geeksphone’s roadmap. The company’s Peak Firefox OS handset went on sale in April and barely 3 months later Geeksphone took it off its virtual shelves, encouraging people to buy the souped-up Peak+ instead. Now those who already pre-ordered the Peak+ are being offered the Revolution at the same €149 ($203) price, which will be just over half the price others will pay.

As well they might be — on Thursday Geeksphone also had to inform

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